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keep out of school

下面围绕“keep out of school”主题解决网友的困惑


keep out 把...关在外面; 阻止入内; 不参加; 不进去;【刷】疏排 keep out of 置身于...之外, 使不参预或不卷入 keep sb. advised in sth. 使某人随时知道某事的进...

英语问题 drop out?

drop out (动词)退出,退学,结束游戏。作名词时意思是:中途退学,辍学,辍学学生,失学儿童。drop off (动词)减少;让...下车;睡着。 作名词时意思是:下...



How to keep safe in school 英语作文 100字左右

When I walk around the school after lunch, I saw a boy was run down by a motorcycle. The boy's knee was bleeding all the time. Many people came around t...


keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep sth. in mind 记住(某事物)keep sb./ sth. out (of sth.) 不让……入内 keep back 忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒 kee...

以:how to keep safe in school 为题写一篇八十词上

you will assume a big price. If the things are liquid, you threw it, it will be broken and will make the environment of school dirty. So you had better ...

以:how to keep safe in school 为题写一篇八十词上

To keep safe in school, there are a few important things to remember. First, always listen to your teachers and follow their instructions. They are ther...


1、keep about〔around〕雇用; 拥有 2、keep abreast of( v.+adv.+prep. )跟上; 保持与…并列位置 3、keep after( v...

写一篇有关于“keep our school clean"的英语作文

keep our school cleanAs a student ,it's our duty to keep our school clean, on one hand ,we should not spit in a publlic place ,on the other hand ,we can...


keep + 名词 + 形容词:意思是这个名词保持某种状态 keep doing sth: 意思是一直做某事 keep sth./sb. doing sth 一直让某人/某物做某事

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